Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Journal 2-2: Mutatio est bonus vel malus, Change is either good or bad.

Ahhh hello my avid readers. I, Krazyy Kit, have returned for my next journal entry. But before I get to the fun stuff, it is imperative that I answer last times question: 

1) Do most people find their will to live? If so, when?
   Honestly,  I have no idea if people actually do find their will to live, because you decide what your will to live is. In my opinion, I see this as an extremely opinionated question. I mean you kinda choose what your will to live is. You can't have your reason for living, the reason you get up every morning, decided by somebody else. It just doesn't work like that. Also, that means you don't decide " when " you choose your will to live. You don't wake up one morning and decide " you know, i think my will to live is going to be to eat as much moose tracks ( ice cream flavor) as i possibly can, or that my will to live  will be to watch the next episode of Survivor or something". It will just come to you, and you might not expect it. But it's like one of those moments in the extremely cheesy motivational movies where these beam of light hits you and you are suddenly enlightened and that suddenly understand life. I kinda imagine that it's like the scene in The Blue Brothers where Jake and Elwood visit the church and these single beam of light comes through and lights Jake up, and he has this realization that the way to raise the money to save the orphanage is to get the band back together. Obviously, you don't really know when your will to live will hit, but when it does, you just know it.

How do you know if someone's
qualified to do what they do?
Look for the top hat!
     Now, lets get to the fun part! Within our ethically extravaganza extraordinaire, a.k.a my first period, we have been furthering our generations unit by looking at some very interesting TED talks dealing with, quite frankly, people. There was this one talking about the "Nine Shift", a TED talk conducted by William Draves, a man with a lot of knowledge and a top hat. So clearly, he is well qualified, I mean that hat was pretty cool! But on a more serious note, his TED talk is dedicated to discussing this phenomenon called the Nine Shift. This Nine Shift is basically talking about how these major global changes always occur within a 20 year span, one being from 1900-1920, and one going from 2000-2020. To further this point, it is talking about how about 75% of change will occur within this 20 year period. William's point is that massive changes which can affect the world as a whole typically occur during this time. Changes such as new inventions. For the 1900-1920 time span, there were multiple new inventions, such as the automobile, washing machines, and the almighty..... TEDDY BEAR! A toy which would bring a smile to billions of children for all of time :). But enough fuzzy business, back to the smooth stuff. 
The Almighty Teddy Bear.
     Draves, with his TED talk, discusses all these changes that the world has experienced within each of these 20 year periods. In the 1900's, America was still very much so an agrarian society,with just about everybody living on the ole farm. Then, the Industrial Revolution hit, and wham! Factories are popping out faster than a tennis ball out of a tennis ball machine! People were leaving behinds their tillers and plows and were picking up drills and hammers. They were abandoning their farms for life in the big city. At this time, America was seeing the age of inventions. Cars were first coming out, and electricity was finally becoming more wide-spread. It was a time of great change, just like the time span we're living in nowadays. iPhone 5, all these new kinds of devices are controlling every-day life. And this is certainly a big difference than the 1990's when we had to walk to a payphone to call somebody. 
     Basically, we're living in the couple of decades of change. Life as we know it is quickly becoming a thing of the past, wow that sounds scary. It's very ironic that in this time of great change and would-be prosperity, we are experiencing soooo much turmoil world-wide. It doesn't seem like anybody can be content anymore. It's really quite sad. In this time of change, we're seeing great tragedy. Just recently, a small Connecticut town was all over the global news because some psychopath decided to open-fire on an elementary school, killing at least 26 innocent souls. And you hear about in New York about someone opening fire on New York's finest, their firefighters, while they were working to control a house fire blaze. In the Middle East, all you hear about is corrupt government this, and protest/riot that. This is a somewhat scary time to be growing up in. The world is always gripped by terror of something or someone. 
    Is this the great change that Will was talking about? A world so controlled by who's got what, and when technology is now being crafted to construct missiles that can obliterate anything within a city radius, and people turning on their fellow man in ways we didn't imagine. I mean sure, crime is as old as time, but at these rates? Yes, the world is undergoing some good changes, such as work to better our communities and those abroad, but the world needs to wake up. In this age of extreme change, people aren't using the changes for good. They're using it for their own greedy gains, and maybe we as a whole haven't quite recognized that yet. This may seem off-topic, but if you really think about it, this is what William is talking about! He's talking about how during this time period, the world is seeing changes like none other. And it's time we acknowledge these changes and use them for good, or what will become of us? 
     We do some good being done with these new technology. People are going out into the world and doing good in places where other souls would not dare to go. We have programs like Doctors without Borders, and the ItGetsBetter movement and so many other humanitarian projects that have really taken a hold during these times, and they have adapted themselves to these changing times. They see the good in these budding century. 
    SOOOOOOO, what do we do? We have all this change at our fingertips, but what do we do with these social advances? That's for us, humans as a whole, to decide. Do we allow these new era of some of the most profound changes to cause us to change for the better, or for the worst? This journal entry sounds so doom and gloom.. Mayan Apocalypse. It just got delayed a couple of years that's all. It's going to be like some scene out of the Terminator with all the technology coming and ruling us but its humanoid-looking robots..... wow I am wayyy off topic! But you never know, maybe all these technology will lead to our undoing. Only time will tell if change is good. 

And, after that extremely dysfunctional journal entry, I must go. Kit has krazyy things to do But before I bid y'all aloha, I leave you with this inquiry. 

1) In this age of great change, what would YOU do to better the world?

And I have a purely interested-based question....

1) If you could live as any animal, what animal and why?:3

Argh!I think i'd be an otter :3 and it's because otters.are.amazing. Clearly. 
